About Me

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I am optimistic and sentimental to the point of being annoying, especially to people who think that being cynical and cold is cool. Everyday, I thank Allah for everyday things like the ability to breathe, the ability to love, the ability to laugh, and the ability to eat and drink.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 21, 2009

happy berpuasa semua!

entry ini ditujukan untuk rakan rakan yg membaca blog ini.
rakan rakan ke?
musuh pon ade kot!
tidak kira lah siapa mereka,
lelaki ke perempuan ke, tua ke muda ke, si hitam ke si putih ke, pari pari ke syaitan ke.
selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan.
semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna daripada yg sebelumnya.
sekian :)


Habibul Ambia said...

Eja Tak Puase.


si eJa said...

bumble beeeee!

u yg ta puase, u ckp i!

nrhzrhmhdspn said...

slmat pose

si eJa said...


yeah selamat berpuasa :)

[r]aDi said...

selamat erpuase eja...

xmo tension2...

si eJa said...


thnx yea.

same goes to u :)