About Me

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I am optimistic and sentimental to the point of being annoying, especially to people who think that being cynical and cold is cool. Everyday, I thank Allah for everyday things like the ability to breathe, the ability to love, the ability to laugh, and the ability to eat and drink.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy birthday, ahmad afiq!

Last nite sempat buat kejutan untuk si bf! Nasib baik menjadi. Since awal bulan da planning tau. Hahaha. Btw, Selamat Hari Jadi. Tak tau yg ke berapa kali tah wish ni. Hehe. Here ada some picts. Enjoy it :)

Cupcakes from Wondermilk. Nice gila. Sila klik dekat link sebelah kanan kalau nak pergi website dia...

Yang ni daripada saya. Okaythanksbye! Im so sorry sayang. Tak dapat belikan yg awk suka tu!!! :(

Last but not least. This is us. I love you, B!


Iera Fakhira said...

ah! sooooo sweeeetttt!!! :)
happy birthday to him! may god bless you and him. happily eva afta aite!

si eJa said...

iera syg! tq so much. love ya! :)

Anonymous said...

sweettt nyer anda..
btw , happy birthday afiq..

nurkaloi said...

nice nice
nak 1 cupcake uh
boleh laa
ok nk bgtawu eja ditag

si eJa said...

fatin :
thanks yaw :)

jane :
ambik la. hehe. klu ada masa eja buat tag tu yeah. btw thanks...

nurkaloi said...

ok dear!!